Drug and Alcohol Addiction Therapy
As one of the best drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in the U.S., The Discovery House offers many drug therapy techniques and programs to help individuals who want to overcome their addiction. We have drug rehab, alcohol rehab, and co-occurring disorders programs. We also use methods, such as the 12 step program, a family addiction program, and an addiction nutrition program to help residents accomplish their recovery goals.
Some additional therapies we offer include:
- Music therapy
- Yoga therapy
- Mindfulness therapy
- Psychodrama therapy
- Neurofeedback therapy
**77 percent of participants who receive neurofeedback in conjunction with a 12-Step program remain abstinent at 12 months, compared to 44 percent of those who didn’t receive neurofeedback according to a UCLA study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse.
These types of therapies help counselors reach residents in ways other methods cannot. Our specialty therapies allow individuals to investigate deeper into their lives and their emotions and heal those areas. All of our drug and alcohol addiction therapy sessions are used to help addicts determine where their addiction is stemming from, work through those underlying issues, and develop skills to live a sober life. Through our addiction treatment services, residents learn how to manage stress, how to overcome triggers, and how to live a normal life without their substance.
Drug Addiction Therapy
Because each resident is different, counselors at The Discovery House design each treatment program to cater to the individual’s specific needs, choices and concerns. We use the therapies that will best allow the resident to open up with counselors and work to balance their life. Different types of drug abuse have different effects on individuals. Our addiction treatment programs use methods for drug addiction therapy that help the individual manage the triggers and cravings for their particular substance.
Alcohol Addiction Therapy
Alcohol controls the lives of alcoholics and their families. During treatment, it is necessary for the person to learn how to function in society without the use of alcohol. As part of our therapy, we take regular outings with residents. These socialization trips allow newly sober individuals to put into practice techniques that they learn during therapy in our long term treatment centers for addiction. Through these trips, counselors help residents experience how to be sober in real society, not just in their therapy sessions at the drug alcohol treatment center.
It is important to us to create a program for you, in order to offer you or your family member the best chance at success. We work with residents from the beginning to the end of treatment to help them achieve and maintain sobriety.
If you or someone you love needs addiction treatment, contact us via our form or by calling 818.452.1676 to find out more about any additional addiction rehab therapies we provide at our luxury rehab facilities.