Working the Steps Archives - The Discovery House Los Angeles CA

Category: <span>Working the Steps</span>

7 Common Signs of Substance Abuse in the Workplace

7 Common Signs of Substance Abuse in the Workplace

Drug use among the workforce in the United States has increased quite a bit over the last few years. The results of one study showed that, of 10 million workforce urine tests, 4.2 percent of them tested positive for at least one illicit drug. Plenty of workers in the U.S. are abusing drugs, and many of them...

Step 4 – Facing the Fears of a Fearless Moral Inventory

Step 4 – Facing the Fears of a Fearless Moral Inventory

Step 4: “Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.” Looking Inward When working the 12 steps of recovery, many people will admit to hitting a wall when it comes to the fourth step. Admitting to powerlessness, recognizing that a power greater than oneself can restore one’s sanity, and turning one’s life over to...

5 Ways Your Character Defects Hinder Your Recovery

5 Ways Your Character Defects Hinder Your Recovery

Recognizing character defects in others is sometimes easier than recognizing our own. Part of the rehab and recovery process for substance abuse means identifying our personal character defects and recognizing how we let our character defects hinder recovery. 5 Ways Your Character Defects Hinder Your Recovery Why do character defects hinder recovery from addictions, not...

The Emotional Roller Coaster and the Pink Cloud

The Emotional Roller Coaster and the Pink Cloud

Achieving sobriety is a remarkable relief for those who struggle with addiction. When desperate circumstances provoke an honest desire to seek help overcoming addiction, there is a great freedom from the control of a substance, and joy in finally taking the right steps forward. Why then, is “pink cloud” the term often used to describe...