Does My Insurance Cover My Treatment?
Please complete the form below to have our admissions team review your insurance coverage for addiction treatment. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
Sifting through the information about insurance coverage for drug rehab at long term treatment centers for addiction can be time-consuming and confusing. Unfortunately, this task often becomes the most necessary at a time when an individual or family is facing the challenge of drug addiction. When you or your loved one is ready to enter a substance abuse treatment center, you do not want to have to spend hours on the phone trying to figure out if the treatment you need will be covered. Our admissions staff can help you determine answers to questions like “Does insurance cover addiction treatment programs?”
Does Insurance Cover Rehab?
The Discovery House accepts most PPO insurances, but the type of coverage that is provided by companies varies by each individual. Some will only cover providers that are a part of their network while others may not cover addiction detox or may only pay for a certain length of residential addiction treatment stay at a drug treatment center. Certain providers reimburse members instead of providers and require more work on the part of the resident to receive the benefits.
Our rehab addiction specialists can help you by providing the answers to your questions about coverage for the best drug and alcohol treatment centers long term recovery. Our trained admissions staff is standing by to help you determine what kind of drug or alcohol rehab program you are covered for.